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Property FAQ’s

I am interested in one of the properties on your website - what do I do next?

Please contact the Estate office and request a viewing, Viewings are undertaken during weekday office hours.

I have a pet, is this a problem?

Many of our tenants have dogs and cats and we have no objection to you bringing well behaved pets with you.

I’ve viewed and like what I see – what comes next?

The Estate Manager will meet with you to agree terms such as commencement date for letting, length of lease, rent payable, bond to be taken. Once heads of terms are agreed, The Estate takes up references and draws up the tenancy agreement for signature. The Estate does not normally charge for drawing up the tenancy agreement.

I have not rented before – what are my responsibilities towards the property as tenant?

The Estate as Landlord is responsible for the majority of repairs including exterior painting. The tenant is only responsible for:

  • Internal decoration
  • Garden and hedges
  • Keeping gutters and down pipes clear of obstructions
  • Clear blocked waste pipes within the house and curtilage of the gardens
  • Repair door handles and latches
  • Re-glaze doors and windows
  • Provide dustbin
  • Household insurance (contents)
  • Frost protection measures
  • Television aerials